
I’ll rejoice when it matters

Like pages torn and fluttering
Words barely coherent
Dyslexic and mismatched
Pieced together by librarians rapidly running out of tricks

Life is just grief suspended
Like disbelief
In this cyber punk
Almost post apocalyptic fever dream

I would show the same resolve and bleed
If only it would matter

I can scream into this echo chamber filled with soft friends and endless void
And I would wait until my voice gave out

If it would matter

So here I stand
A statue avoiding fight or flight
Lying in wait

The revolution
Is tired

I’ll rejoice when it matters

If You Will

Let’s hold a funeral
My friend
And say that it’s for you and I
They’ll never catch us now

As thick as thieves
That stole the silver from the days
And the gold from the nights

We held them up with shotguns
And shook the glimmers from their pockets

We were alive

And running

Unfinished business and deadly motives at our heels

On back roads screaming through
The hell we paid with our pound of flesh

We were a flash in the dark
A will o wisp
If you will
And you always will

The light is in your eyes
Like fire flies
Or stars that have no names

My beacon
My constant
Even in your inconsistency

Now the days stretch out like late summer fading
And we run

Shaking the glimmers in our pockets just to hear them jingle

My friend

If not free
Then what are we?
Lying flowers on our graves
Dancing in the loamy gloom

Daisy Chains

I had to be a bullet in a gun
No one knew who I was
Including me

I was ready to explode
A flash of flame
Steel and powder
Don’t you dare say my name
This is a hair trigger

I grew tired of being aimed
My annihilation
A weapon

Then walls fell
Chaos became daisy chains
And I rusted

I am still a bullet
My trigger is still eager

But my heart no longer yearns for it to be pulled

The entropy of excess

Winding through the hills of luck and nepotism
Houses a lone on hills
That looks more like manors that have esoteric names
Down into the valley of socioeconomic nightmares
Tent cities and junk yards
Flashes of suburbia
A moment of cookie cutter middle class picket fence
Before it becomes water and sunlight
But not for so long
The disparity
Haves and have nots
A wonderful incongruent back drop
Those of us with suitcases roll the dice
Here or there
It’s always here or there
Even though I seem to be moving in infinity loops
Where the tight rope between contemporary post apocalyptic garbage
And suburban yards with rose bunches and fruit trees
I don’t belong in either
I belong with a suitcase
And yet
Rosebushes and goldfish
Fruit trees and dogs barking
Wood floors and a rarely used fire place
It makes home when this world blurs past
There I can stop


You left me behind

Where is my trial?
If I am to be condemned to life without you?

I feel like you wrote your name on me with blades

Tattooed me with loss

But I see you in the trees
In the river
In the moonlight where the dryads dance


I hear your voice in your daughter
I see your smile in sunshine
And my god I hear your laugh

I want to fight with you
I want to shout at you
I want to scream that you could have come back sooner

I want to tell you
You were worth more than what happened to you

So on days when I bereave the world because you are not in it

I tell your brother I miss you

I tell my love a joke you told me once

I tell your daughter I love her
I tell her that she is golden and gorgeous
And I tell her she is worth more than what has happened to her

My Opinion On Dandelions

I keep thinking there is someone I can call

Drugs I can take
And powerful things
The darker things
That still know my name

I wish I didn’t know myself so well
I wish I didn’t think of me at all

Exchanges in my head
Are so powerfully meaningless
Septic nonsense

A dirge of names

A treachery of mine

A castle in the sky
No more attainable
Than serenity
As accessible as death

Like esoteric reading of tea leaves
My future in the debris

I am always the fool
When it comes to dandelions

But this cotton candy romance is wearing off

Self awareness like poison apple fills me with reproach

No one tells you that the grave is full of time

Death of the Palm Tree

Oranges fall to the ground and rot in California

Palm fronds litter the streets of gold that have never really glittered

All the mundane

Wrapped in temperate weather and small towns

The cities are just markers on a map

A vague indicator

Of the somewhere you pass through

Destination unlikely

Evenings stretch out into the setting sun

We are breathing

I am just a palm frond

Chaos Converging

I have spent so much of my life looking for something to fight

These days I never remember whether I won or lost

They were the same really

Just an excuse to become an adversary

I thought I had to fight

Gasping for breath was the only way I knew how to be alive

But these days

I’m just a little more peaceful

How dare the queen of chaos
Eris the god
Say such a thing

But chaos for chaos sake is a beautiful fire

And fighting for the sake of the fight
Will only leave you bloody


But these days…

I’m just a little more peaceful

Gratitude of Dusk

My life made false start after false start
The runners were poised
The pistol was fired
And it died from the bullet

Life began when I was waiting

It began with endings

Such tremendous endings

I never thought I would see the sunset that way

Now both shoes have dropped
And I am running barefoot

Towards something

And I am finding my way

The long twilight of my soul

Has come upon the stars

And notes like jazz
Are on the air

I am in the falling light

For the first time
I feel found

An Optimistic Stanza

I am a better poet the less I indulge in chicken soup for the soul

Or maybe the indulgence is that I imagine myself so darkly

I am my own creation
A stanza
Read a loud

Are similes and metaphors enough?

Do adjectives adequately explain?

That these days are sweeter than honey
More comforting than the sunrise

I am no longer scared of who I am
I am increasingly curious about who I will become

Every evening in the dusk I breathe deeply and sigh
It’s like I have forgotten how to lose my smile

In answers
Geographical and otherwise

If I have not been clever I have been lucky

The words are so pale compared to the Technicolor reality

I would paint the sky with those colors if I had that talent
If I had that energy

I am at a loss
How to create without friction

This is my first time
Hopeful and terribly happy