
You left me behind

Where is my trial?
If I am to be condemned to life without you?

I feel like you wrote your name on me with blades

Tattooed me with loss

But I see you in the trees
In the river
In the moonlight where the dryads dance


I hear your voice in your daughter
I see your smile in sunshine
And my god I hear your laugh

I want to fight with you
I want to shout at you
I want to scream that you could have come back sooner

I want to tell you
You were worth more than what happened to you

So on days when I bereave the world because you are not in it

I tell your brother I miss you

I tell my love a joke you told me once

I tell your daughter I love her
I tell her that she is golden and gorgeous
And I tell her she is worth more than what has happened to her

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