My Opinion On Dandelions

I keep thinking there is someone I can call

Drugs I can take
And powerful things
The darker things
That still know my name

I wish I didn’t know myself so well
I wish I didn’t think of me at all

Exchanges in my head
Are so powerfully meaningless
Septic nonsense

A dirge of names

A treachery of mine

A castle in the sky
No more attainable
Than serenity
As accessible as death

Like esoteric reading of tea leaves
My future in the debris

I am always the fool
When it comes to dandelions

But this cotton candy romance is wearing off

Self awareness like poison apple fills me with reproach

No one tells you that the grave is full of time

Death of the Palm Tree

Oranges fall to the ground and rot in California

Palm fronds litter the streets of gold that have never really glittered

All the mundane

Wrapped in temperate weather and small towns

The cities are just markers on a map

A vague indicator

Of the somewhere you pass through

Destination unlikely

Evenings stretch out into the setting sun

We are breathing

I am just a palm frond