Honor Amongst Thieves


Is that how this works?

Giving up
Taking steps
Finding some kind of higher power?
Like a backwoods preacher
Dancing with snakes
High on faith

I don’t know much about honor
I know even less about faith

Growing like a weed in the sun
Till I am thriving
And giving up on myself

That is what I know

Is there honor amongst thieves?

There has to be

Between us
There is belief
Between us there is…
An anticipation

If I find a knife in my back
I know I will only have myself to blame

A downward spiral could mean losing everything

So wait for me
In the halcyon light

Wait for me to gather my will

My thieves
My turncoats
My deceptive lovelies

I am giving up
But not on myself this time
I am finding this place over and over again
Until I earn the right to stay

One comment on “Honor Amongst Thieves

  1. Gwen M Burson says:

    Call it persistence. You have it!


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