Mourners of the Fleeting

There is a certain kind of hysteria

A quiet kind of lunacy

Of those who cannot who take the road less traveled

But instead get lost amongst the trees
They seize innocence

Like a creature with wings

Only to caress

To embrace

To feed
Obsession that leads

To inivitable death

Of the very thing they smothered

In an effort to be free
We are mourners

Who attend the funerals

Of the fleeting

To see the wonder

And chase the fairies

Yet with each starry night

We feel the entropy
So often we’re a footnote tragedy

But like a shooting star

There is the rarity
Who leaves awe and loveliness

In a realm where they were never meant to be
They are beautiful fools

They are willful naiveté

They are a mere glimpse

Of breathtaking possibility
They are the magicians who teach us to believe

They are the rebels 

I can only hope to be
So here is to the music makers

And here is to the dreamers of the dreams


My world is changing

It is growing

The tears I spill

My smile

My grin

My delight

My melancholy

Every breath

Is more

You came to me

As I slept

So radiant

With the silver streaks 

In your hair

That I inherited

You spoke no words

But I could feel you



And when I looked

Into those eyes

Your eyes

My heart was full

Because that look spoke volumes


Live for those you love

Live for your dreams to come true

It’s going to be beautiful, kid


I can hear the ticking

I can feel the seconds

As before my eyes they collect

Heart beats that combine

To form a story

A coming of age


A kaleidoscope of change

Think of me what you will

Hold a grudge and dwell

No one will even notice

That you are holding still

Because a passing moment

Is only sleight of hand

A trick of time

And no one is going to be

The antagonist of my story

If change is the only


Then I will take this paradox

And erase the inscription

That you have tried to carve

Into me

You can continue on this

Well beaten path

But you’ll discover

That I will be your biggest mistake

As you pace

I erase

And fill in the blanks

With every word

With every heart

With every person

That revels

In the pain

The beauty

The rage

The change