Every Line

If you really knew my story

If you read every line

Would you weep for me?

Pity me?

Or hate me like I think I deserve

Because I am not resilient

I am numb

But piece by piece

I am feeling

I am getting…


Secrets upon secrets

For I am sick

But you don’t see that

I am braver than I am smart

I have to remember that


Yet I am the glue

There’s still so many things

Left undone

I feel weak as I am getting stronger

I am a liar with truth in my mouth

So my story goes…

Read it if you will

Now or Never

It’s now or never

And it might very well be never

I am not prescient

Nor can I truly know


It’s now or never

I am in the now



It’s time

Time to give up

But breaking down walls has always been my style

So let it burn

Let the city crumble

Now or never

Choices are before me

Trauma behind me

I’m done