Olly Olly Oxen Free

I apologize if you do not think that you are loved

This self imposed isolation

 Makes for hide and seek

A desperate delightful search

My loved ones and me

My life is different in daylight than what most of you see

But my loyalty is strong and steady

Even as my abilty to speak wanes

Just give me a little time and you will see I will find I am myself again

My secret self of silence and thought demand attention but soon will fade away

A thief in the night with a blade to my throat

Anxiety coaxes me into believing that nothing I write is worth reading

And who am I with out the words?

Blood trickles freely from me or my pen

As it starts again

That glorious bloodletting

That is truly me

But for just a little while

Let me be alone 

Let me hide

Look past this obvious disguise

Because I am too tired to fight

And it would be a disservice

To water down my passion

To finger paint on the page

Let me rest and I  will  return

With chaos, whimsy, and rage

Wish me sweet dreams for this waking sleep

I will kiss your cheek

And leave you marked

3 comments on “Olly Olly Oxen Free

  1. Gwen Burson says:

    Beautiful. Your plea is heard. Don’t drive yourself to distraction. Even though your readers grasp at your words, take care of yourself first. Rest so you can come back refreshed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cindy Giesen says:

    Love it! You are vey deep, talented and sensitive.

    Cindy Giesen


    Liked by 1 person

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